{"id":9204,"date":"2022-03-30T00:00:00","date_gmt":"2022-03-30T00:00:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.adventurebook.com\/connect\/?p=9204&preview=true&preview_id=9204"},"modified":"2022-03-31T12:13:18","modified_gmt":"2022-03-31T12:13:18","slug":"how-to-start-journaling","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.adventurebook.com\/connect\/how-to-start-journaling\/","title":{"rendered":"How to Start Journaling and Make the Habit Stick"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

In the first year of the pandemic alone, the World Health Organization reported a 25 percent uptick in the \u201cglobal prevalence of anxiety and depression.\u201d The WHO cited a variety of reasons for the dramatic increase, such as people\u2019s inability to work, get support from loved ones, and engage with the members of their community. Stigmatism, grief, and quarantine requirements also contributed to the increase in the world\u2019s collective anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

While leading organizations like the Mayo Clinic offered advice like \u201cstay busy\u201d and \u201cfocus on positive thoughts\u201d to help people combat the mental health issues the pandemic exacerbated, some people took to journaling to alleviate their distress. If you\u2019re interested in reclaiming your mental well-being by following their lead, you might be eager to research \u201chow to start journaling\u201d online.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Luckily, there\u2019s no need for you to do any research because the team at Let\u2019s Roam has found all the tips, tricks, and advice you need to start journal writing as early as today. Better yet, our in-depth research yielded valid recommendations you can implement right from the start of your journaling journey so that the exercise becomes a permanent part of your daily routine.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Benefits of Journaling<\/strong><\/h2>\n\n\n\n

Journaling is an engaging exercise in which people record their thoughts, feelings, goals, and experiences. As a practice, journaling has been around for thousands of years. Although journaling is nothing new, it\u2019s experiencing a surge in popularity thanks to well-known self-care bloggers and respected authors like Deepak Chopra and Julia Cameron. The latter author wrote \u201cThe Artist\u2019s Way,\u201d a book that\u2019s described by \u201cThe New York Times\u201d as a \u201cquasi-spiritual manual for \u2018creative recovery.\u2019\u201d<\/p>\n\n\n\n

One of the many reasons journaling has enjoyed such staying power is that the exercise has the proven ability to produce meaningful results. Knowing what some of those benefits are will inspire you to develop your own journaling practice so you can realize them in your own life.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

According to Kaiser Permanente, journaling can produce the following benefits:<\/p>\n\n\n\n